Workshops in Puppetry
Make Puppets come True.
Our “School of Puppetry” comes to you…
A professional Puppeteer with over 30 years of experience in designing, making and performing for film, stage and street, Steve Scott shows you how some of the great professionals achieved fantastic puppets. Explaining construction methods and techniques with hints and tips gleaned from around the world.
At a fraction of the cost of traveling, accomodation & tuition, the DVD series contains almost 6 hours of material usually covered in four weeks of our ‘hands-on’ workshops.
Reviewed and endorsed by many great puppeteers, these tangible ‘virtual workshops’ can now come direct you post-haste.
Shipped to you, each production has been made from hundreds of hours of actual construction filmed at high res then edited to present you with the best footage, at a pace you can follow. Presenting information in clear chapters relating to various stages of construction.